About Me

Some say that he isn't all there, and that he blogs here about VideoGames, Let's Plays and other crap. All we know is - He's known as Shadigo... Or ShadigoIzayoi10Join... or LetsPlayShadigo.

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Sunday, 10 June 2012

Dead or Alive 4 Official LetsPlayShadigo Request Thing

Hello, everyone and welcome to my oficial request a thing from Dead or Alive 4 blog entry. I've recently had a few requests to do some Dead or Alive 4 stuff, so I've thought that if I make an official request thread, people might actually request stuff from me as we all wait for Dead or Alive 5's release come this September.

Saturday, 2 June 2012

So when exactly was the last time I updated this thing?!

So, yeah, Stuff has certainly happened since I last made a post here... I got a new Laptop (it's pretty great) I got a Capture Device (also pretty great) and I made a few new projects that I've neglected to post here! (also Blogger has changed... I don't like it... :| ) But, yeah, things have happened and now I'm back and I probably should Update on things since the last time I posted...
...this is probably going to be tl;dr for practically everyone, but that's my fault for not updating anything since March, I guess... :-\