About Me

Some say that he isn't all there, and that he blogs here about VideoGames, Let's Plays and other crap. All we know is - He's known as Shadigo... Or ShadigoIzayoi10Join... or LetsPlayShadigo.

Subscribe on YouTube! Follow on Twitter!

Friday, 19 October 2012

FTL - The Rise and Fall of the Doom Donut

Oppressors will be shot!

So prior to going on vacation last week, I did a run of FTL: Faster Then Light as filler seeing as I didn't want to upload any of my main playthroughs that week.  FTL is a really good game and you should buy it, Especially if you like random chance/rougelike games.  You can get it on Steam, as well as a few other places and it's really worth the £7 or so for buying it.  As this run is six parts in total, and I don't really want the Blog to lag to all hell again when I did multiple embeds, I'm just going to link each part from Youtube.  Thanks for viewing, and feel free to like, comment, subscribe and stuff.
   Part 1      Part 2      Part 3      Part 4      Part 5      Part 6   
There's also a playlist of this run, where Future Runs will also go to if I feel like doing any more... Clickers.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Let's Unbox Dead or Alive 5 Collector's Edition!

So since I pre-ordered the game, I got this a day early on the 27th of September.  I was gonna do an unboxing video anyway, and here it is!  Expect a VLOG review of this game once I feel like getting around to it...

Yay, I've been neglecting this place again!

Yes I have... Sorry about that!  Kinda maybe forgot a password thing or two...  (hence why I'm posting from the Lets Play account) Expect some stuff imminently, including my unboxing of Dead or Alive 5 Collectors Edition from when I got it a few weeks ago, my Vlog review of said game and a couple of some misc filler things and stuff, so Stay Tuned, Yo!