So... my first update ... Happens to be the one of the last of 2010 (lol, irony)
So what to say...? I've had a pretty good Christmas. Got me some awesome stuff, including the Sonic Screwdriver Wiimote (something I geeked out on when I first saw it) Super Mario All-Stars Limited edition (the one with the Audio CD and stuff) and... I was also one of the lucky ones - as I am also the proud owner of an Xbox Kinect! Now, I'd voice my opinions on it, only my niece has taken over it by playing Kinectimals and is probably going to be there for the rest of the night. I do wonder how long it'll take before she get's bored with it though... A couple of years back she got a Nintendo DS + Nintendogs and got bored with it after a couple weeks or so, and I'm not really one for pet simulation games anyway...
And as for how LP's are turning out... well I would have liked to have finished up Sonic Adventure 2 by now... But that didn't work out since my old DVD recorder broke, and couldn't record shit otherwise. But enough of lamening about stupid things - here's is what 2011 will pretty much have in store for LetsPlayShadigo: