About Me
Some say that he isn't all there, and that he blogs here about VideoGames, Let's Plays and other crap. All we know is - He's known as Shadigo... Or ShadigoIzayoi10Join... or LetsPlayShadigo.
Subscribe on YouTube! Follow on Twitter!
Friday, 19 October 2012
FTL - The Rise and Fall of the Doom Donut
So prior to going on vacation last week, I did a run of FTL: Faster Then Light as filler seeing as I didn't want to upload any of my main playthroughs that week. FTL is a really good game and you should buy it, Especially if you like random chance/rougelike games. You can get it on Steam, as well as a few other places and it's really worth the £7 or so for buying it. As this run is six parts in total, and I don't really want the Blog to lag to all hell again when I did multiple embeds, I'm just going to link each part from Youtube. Thanks for viewing, and feel free to like, comment, subscribe and stuff.
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Let's Unbox Dead or Alive 5 Collector's Edition!
Yay, I've been neglecting this place again!
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
LetsPlayShadigo is now on Facebook!
There you go... Sorry once again for the lack of any updates, I haven't really had much to talk about and/or I just keep forgetting about the blog... :\
Sunday, 10 June 2012
Dead or Alive 4 Official LetsPlayShadigo Request Thing
Saturday, 2 June 2012
So when exactly was the last time I updated this thing?!
Saturday, 10 March 2012
LetsPlayShadigo has encountered a problem and needs to do stuff...
A week in Portals - Week 1
Hello and welcome to my next project of sorts - Portal 2. Now, instead of doing Daily updates as I would normlly do, for this I'm goingto do a weekly digest of the pdates on this project. I will try and do this every Friday/Saturday, depending on wether things happen in IRL or not (AKA Lazyness)
So here's the first batch of videos... enjoy!
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
An update...
- Next Project starts March 5 (Next Monday as of writing)
- It would have been Pokémon Gold Version, but the internal battery inside the cartridge had died, so that will be on hold until I can figure out a decent way to record via emulator and also record Live Commentary
- Replacing that project will be Portal 2. This, like Portal - Still Alive, will have no commentary and will be the single player campaign.
- Speaking of Portal - Still Alive, I'll be doing a blind run of the Still alive Bonus Test Chambers. These videos will have live commentary on them.
- After Portal 2, the next playthroughs will be the Blind Runs of Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. I would Like some assistance in what the DEFAULT Controls are for these games due to when I got these games for the N64, it was just the games and nothing Else (did not come with instructin booklets) any help on this either via youtube Comments on the video above, via Youtube's Privite Message System or Comments on this blog entry.
- also apologies who follow my stuff here on TheShadigoBlogs. I've just been lazy when it has come to the updates. I'll be posting the updates here this upcoming week, so hopefully they will be all up before Portal 2 starts.
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Worms 2/Worms Armageddon - Pinkie Pie Sound Bank
Pinkie Pie Sound Bank for Worms 2 and Worms Armageddon. This Sound Bank hasn't been Tested on Worms World Party, so I can't tell you if it works in that game or not. The sound bank pack also includes a Custom Flag and a Custom Grave for Worms Armageddon. Please read the Readme file included in the zip file for Install Instructions.
Known Issues
- No speech for Jumps, Oof and Ow sounds. they Revert to the Default sound bank for those. If anyone wants to make their own, feel free to do so, though I may attempt to do them myself.
- Some of the sounds are a bit quiet so the Music and other Speech may drown it out. Might be fixed later.
Feel free to share this with the big Pony Sites, Ponychan, etc.
Click here to download the soundbank.