About Me

Some say that he isn't all there, and that he blogs here about VideoGames, Let's Plays and other crap. All we know is - He's known as Shadigo... Or ShadigoIzayoi10Join... or LetsPlayShadigo.

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Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Friend Codes and other online crap...

So people sometimes ask me sometimes what my Xbox Live username is, or what's my freind code for Pokemon or Mario Kart or Super Smash Bros: Brawl? Well I'm going to be nice, and list all the ones I have right here.note that I'll be mostly online on the Wii and DS stuff, so you're more likely to catch me on those games...

Xbox, Wii and Playstation usernames/codes

XBox Live - ShadigoXP" Playstation Network - Shadigo10Join Wii Number - 7469 3618 8596 6263
(note - it's going to go offline again at the end of March due to lack of fundage. May get it back online once I get a job.) [don't expect anything from this unless they do PSP stuff online...] (for sending me messages Only)

Nintendo WFC (DS/Wii) Friend Codes

Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Mario Kart Wii
NiGHTS: Journey Into Dreams
Mario Strikers Charged Football
300848 692369
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Reverse of Arcadia (WC 10)
Pokemon Heart Gold Version
Pokemon White Version

1 comment:

  1. Hey dude id like to battle you on brawl. Can you registrate me? Here's my brawl code: 2966-1060-5907
    Here is my Wii code: 7703-0978-4652-6988 (by the way, your Wii code has a typo.) Thanks :) I register you already on brawl, whats your nickname?
