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Some say that he isn't all there, and that he blogs here about VideoGames, Let's Plays and other crap. All we know is - He's known as Shadigo... Or ShadigoIzayoi10Join... or LetsPlayShadigo.

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Saturday, 16 April 2011

Pokémon Red Nuzlocke Run - The Rules and all that jazz

Pokemon Red Version

Today's blog is a little different as it's going to encode what Rules I'm going to use with the upcoming Nuzlocke Run of Pokémon Red Version I'm going to start working on.

These rules will last from When I start the game, right until I get the End Credits from defeating the Champion. As with all Nuzlocke runs the Basic Rules will apply: they are:

  • If a Pokémon faints, It's dead - it must be released (if It can't be released for whatever reason - it can be Boxed.)
  • I must catch whatever species of Pokemon I see first in a Route/Cave/Area etc.
I AM however, going to add extra rules to follow, other than the primary two and they are the following:
  • If I've already caught a Pokémon in an earlier route, I have the option to not catch another one, opting for the next new one that I find.
    Example: I f I catch a Zubat in Mt. Moon - I don't have to catch another one if it appears again as the first Pokémon I see in the Dark Cave
  • However, If I've evolved a Pokemon, released it and encountered another one, I can catch it.
    EXAMPLE: I catch a Magikarp and evolve it into a Gyrados and it gets killed in a Battle so it's been released. If I find a Gyrados as the first Pokemon I see in an area, It's Ok top catch it.
  • If I Black out, regardless of wether I've got Pokémon in the PC or not, the Run is over.
  • No usage of Master Balls
  • Pokémon will be Nicknamed. Nicknames are permanent.
  • Providing I have caught the Pokemon an NPC requires for a Trade as the first one caught and is still alive, In game trades with NPCs are fair game.
  • Allowed the use of Pokémon given/sold to me (i.e. Eevee, Lapras, Magikarp, Etc.) However, in the case of Eevee, I will choose the evolutionary path it will take if I want to use it.

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